I don't know about you, but I had a great time on our mission trip to Grand Rapids. I really enjoyed getting to know more about you, about God and about myself during our church group times and devotions at lunch. I loved the ministry site I was at and really felt that I was serving God. I loved getting that chance to give of myself and not think about 'what's in it for me' for a while. I appreciated that everyone I was hanging around with were all on that same schedule of prayers in the morning, service during the day, devotions at lunch, and praise and worship each evening. It sure made it easy to devote myself to God that week.
It's been difficult though to keep that kind of devotion going once I came home. I got out of that routine; I started thinking about other things; my priorities changed as other things took over my life. TV, movies, bills, the Internet, family responsibilities, other jobs all started weaseling their way back into my day. I want to try to keep that feeling, that service, that routine that I had on my mission trip but it's hard!
I am guessing that you are feeling the same way. I know I grew closer to God that week, and I think many of you did as well. Let's not step back. Let's work together and hold each other accountable for the promises we made to God to continue to get to know Him better, to rely on Him and to try to be more like His Son.
One way to do this would be to continue to make time for devotions during the day. If you don't have time at lunch like we did on the trip, just devote SOME time each day to learn more about God's word and what it means to YOU. Reflecting on Scripture helps internalize God's purpose for you.
Don't forget to praise God for the wonderful way He's working in your life. When you are praying, don't just ask for things to happen, but take the time to see what God has done for you and thank Him for that.
Also, remember to continue to talk about your experience with others. Share the way God moved you and used you during your mission trip. Continue to question and challenge your faith. God wants us to come to him with an open mind and because we want to, not just because someone told us we should.
And finally, when you find yourself forgetting to do these things, or needing help to remember, use each other for support! Call a friend, or me or another adult who can encourage you to keep it up even when it's hard. If you find yourself discouraged, talk to other people about it! Don't give up.