One more Food for Thought until fall... That doesn't mean we won't have lots of opportunities to grow in our faith though....
We've got service/mission opportunities!
June 23 - Following Jesus' teachings and 'feeding His sheep.' We'll make sack lunches after church and deliver them to hungry people in Detroit. I guarantee you'll think this opportunity is a wonderful experience. Hands-on faith!
July - mission trip of course! Serving in a community not like your own is going to be really something!
August - local service! We can't get more local than working around the church! We'll be sprucing up the gardens (weeding fun!) and the youth room. As usual, there will be ice cream after!
We've got study opportunities!
Beginning June 19 we'll be doing some in-depth Bible study together for whoever wants to come! We'll meet on Wednesday mornings most weeks throughout the summer to dig in to God's word.
We've got fellowship opportunities!
What? fellowship helps you grow in your faith? YES! Hanging out with other people gives you the opportunity to be yourself and show love to others while having fun!
June 2- lunch and mini-golf
July 28 - lunch and ? (got a suggestion?)
August 11 - lunch and games
August 23- LOCK IN!!