Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Night Out is coming up fast!

The date for our annual fundraising dinner and silent auction is coming up quickly! We’ll be setting up, serving and providing entertainment to the many people who are supporting our summer mission trips.

Youth and Parents --  here’s what you need to know:


~ Parents and Youth - Bring in some auction donations! With the additional expense of rental vans, we’ve got a larger amount we need to raise.  Ask businesses to donate, or relatives or friends who own businesses. Letters to businesses are available on the bulletin board at church.

~ Youth - think about what service YOU can auction off. What are you good at that people will want to pay for?

Here are some suggestions:
Are you good in the garden? Planting or pulling weeds would be a good service to offer. Can you babysit? A Night of babysitting would be excellent to offer. Do you like to cook? A dessert of the month or a special complete dinner would be very much appreciated! Are you known for your love of animals? Maybe a weekend of pet-sitting is the thing for you. Can you clean a car inside and out? Auto detailing is always a big hit with bidders! Do you like kids? Maybe you could offer your services at a child’s birthday party. Do you like to paint nails? Offer some manicures! Maybe you don’t think you’ve got much to offer… how about taking in mail and watering plants while people are on vacation? Talk it over with your parents if you aren’t sure what you can offer.

All donations and forms need to be returned by Thursday, April 4!

Time commitment:

~We put out auction items for bidding the week before the auction, Sunday April 14. I will need some help on Saturday, April 13 and Sunday morning, April 14 in setting up the auction.

~Between Sunday, April 14 and Saturday, April 20 we need ironers! Plan on spending an hour or two up at the church in the afternoon or evening ironing tablecloths and napkins.

~Saturday, April 20- We’ll start setting up at 9:00 AM for several hours, then give you a break, then expect you back later in the afternoon to start serving.  Once the evening is over, we’ll expect EVERYONE to help clean up.


Youth must participate in at least ONE piece of our entertainment. Youth (AND Adults) can participate in as many of the entertainment pieces as they want to. (The only requirement is that for part three (testimonies) people must have been on a mission trip.)

~Skits will be performed in several parts. (see below)

~Musical pieces will be performed in between each act.

~We’ll perform a reader’s theater.

~We’ll also present something about Minnesota and the need for us to mission there (not sure how we’ll do this yet.)

Skit information:

Part One- Game Show  (Performed Live)

Game Show Host                   Nathan                      
Contestant 1                          Jessica
Contestant 2                          Josh                            
Contestant 3                          Drew
Prize Girl                                Caitlin                        
TV Announcer                       Steven
Commercial Man                   Luke                           
Commercial Woman             Beth
Whammy                               Louie                          
Parent                                    Angie

Part Two - A Van Ride (Performed Live)

Each participant will work with Jake Zinke to create a sketch revolving around a van ride to a mission trip. We’ll start writing this skit on March 24 @7:00 PM. 5-7 youth plus one adult are needed for this sketch.

Part Three - Testimonies (Video-Taped)

Individuals or pairs will share true stories about events from past mission trips that they’ve been on. There is no limit to the number of participants. Youth AND Adults can take part in this.

Possible Part Four- Another Van Ride

Depending on how part two works out, we may add a sketch revolving around a ride home from a mission trip.

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