I've got a packed October planned for you all! I hope you can add these to your calendar. Here are the ongoing opportunities for you to come to church and strengthen your relationship with Jesus Christ:
Sundays we meet for Food for Thought (every week!) from 9:45 to 10:45. For the next 3 weeks Glenn Edgerton will continue to lead the group in understanding God's purpose for your lives. Yummy food and relevant discussion takes place during this time.
Wednesdays, beginning September 29, we will have LIfeStream. For the first 6 weeks, we will be using Nooma videos, by Rob Bell to facilitate our discussions. Nooma is a series of short films that explore our world from a perspective of Jesus. I hope you can join us on Wednesdays to search, question, and join the discussion. We will also be using time on Wednesdays to plan and prepare for our youth-led worship services.
Speaking of Youth-led worship...
every 2nd Sunday (starting October 10) the youth will lead worship at 11:00 in the lighthouse area. You are invited to participate, or just come to this age-appropriate worship. Youth will be leading worship with song, prayer, dramas, puppets, messages, and scripture reading.
Fellowship activities are perfect opportunities to bring a friend:Sunday, October 3 - right after the 11:00 service we'll walk to McDonalds and then over to the SuperBowl to go bowling.
Saturday, October 9 - 7:00 CORN MAZE! Meet at Geneva @7:00. We'll head out to Belleville and have fun in the corn maze. Bring a flashlight if you want.
Sunday, October 24 - Pizza and games @ Geneva after the 11:00 service. Bring a friend, bring your favorite game!
Help to be the hands and feet of Jesus at these mission activities:Sunday, October 17 - Crop Walk in Plymouth. Sign up and get a few pledges to help Church World Services hunger programs. We can go out to lunch before the walk, then all walk together.
Saturday, October 23 - Wayne Family Center dinner. Remember when we helped at the Wayne Family Center this summer? This is a family homeless shelter. They don't have any food provided on the weekends, so we're going to bring dinner and fellowship with the residents.
Saturday October 30 (around 4:00?) - Trick or Trunk (Trunk or Treat?) - Technically, this is a mission activity but you're going to have fun! The children of Geneva are invited to come to church for "trick or treating" from the trunks of members cars who are parked in the parking lot. We (though youth groups) will plan and provide games and activities for the children to do before they go trick or treating. After the kids trick or treat, you can, too!
I hope that I see you at these events. Don't forget to bring a friend!
The entire October calendar is on the bulletin board at church. Let me know if you want a copy in calendar form.