Friday, January 11, 2013


Why go on a youth mission trip?

to connect with Jesus
to serve others
to boost confidence
to get challenged
to bond together
to have fun
to change lives!

Why participate in fundraisers?

Mission trips cost money! With the support of our friends, family and the members of our congregation, you (or your parents) don't have to come up with as much out-of-pocket expense. By working (participating in the fundraising activities) you're not just asking for a handout or donation from people, but giving them something in return. Plus, you get a taste of working as a team to complete a goal, just like on your upcoming mission trip.

You all worked wonderfully together baking cookies and working at our bake sale fundraiser. Our next big fundraiser is our dinner and auction to be held on Saturday, April 20. There will be a lot of help needed working up to the big day, plus the day itself! Your help will be needed!