Monday, September 24, 2012

30 Hour Famine- POSTPONED

October 5 and 6th are super busy for everyone I guess! We'll try to do this in January when we've got more time...

Our 30 Hour Famine has been postponed!! It seems that the majority of our youth have soccer, swimming, running, marching band, family trips, and other very important activities that weekend. We will attempt to do this again in January. If you have already collected funds, please let your donors know we will be doing the Famine in January instead. 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Call for Youth Bloggers

IYA (Interfaith Youth Activist) is calling for youth bloggers! They'll even pay you! Check it out here!

Monday, September 17, 2012

And we're off!

I’m really excited about how our fall programming has taken off.  I love how many kids have been coming to Food for Thought on Sunday mornings, and I also LOVE meeting in the Youth Room! (no more school-like tables and chairs - hurray!) I think everyone is enjoying the videos and I look forward each week to our discussions. Our youth have really good understanding but they also ask excellent questions. They sure keep me on my toes!

I’m really enjoying Sunday night youth fellowship as well. I’ve got some fun activities planned for our weekly youth group time, but I also hope to take suggestions from you (this means youth AND parents!) There will be a box in the youth room marked “Sunday Night Suggestions” and I hope you use it! Please put game suggestions, service/mission project suggestions or anything you have in mind for our Sunday Night get-togethers; remember this is YOUR youth group!

Thanks to the people who've been bringing friends to both Food for Thought AND our fellowship events. I think you'll agree, we have a much better time when more people are there! Keep it up! And if you haven't brought a friend yet, please do so!