Our last workday today!
Steven and Beki continued to take computers apart. They estimate that their crews took apart more than 200 computers this week! Steven said there was something therapeutic about taking apart computers. Beki said it was oddly interesting. Allie didn’t have to do landscaping today. Instead her crew worked at a thrift store an sorted clothes. In between times they tried on clothes and put on a fashion show. Ask her about the video she found. Madelyn sorted more things at the food pantry. They also put together personal care packs. Breana didn’t paint today (she says ‘yay!’) Instead she sorted donations and and brought home a little reminder from the thrift shop. You can see it Sunday. Beth almost threw up today! There was a box with spoiled salsa that had gotten all over anything that had been there since Christmas. It smelled really bad (her descriptions were much more vivid…..) Dan had to discard his shoes after dealing with it, it was THAT bad! After cleaning up that disgusting mess, they did get to help people in line who were there to get food. Amanda vacuumed and washed carpets using those fancy carpet machines. At the nursing home she listened to a woman’s sad life story. While watching a video about Scotland , some of the residents quoted the entire Psalm 23. She thought that was pretty cool. Hannah went to a nursing home and rode with them on a bus to Lake Michigan. Unfortunately the weather wasn’t too good and they didn’t spend much time there. She enjoyed interacting with the elderly patients. Marilyn finished up painting at the Rest Haven and then her crew (along with Nancy!) finally got to interact with some of the residents during an ice cream social. We sang a few songs with them and had them singing along to Amazing Grace.
Everyone we’ve encountered or worked with has been so appreciated and said we were blessed to be helping them. We all feel blessed to have been a part of the ministries going on here in Grand Rapids. Tonight at our program, Mary, the program director, shared some numbers with us. In this 4 days youth groups from 6 churches, representing 5 states visited 12 sites with 18 crews who worked together to contribute 2,568 service hours! Yay God indeed!
Everyone says they really enjoyed working with youth from different churches instead of our own youth groups. It was great interacting with other kids from other towns, big and small. Tonight during our devotional time with each other we shared some “Yeah God” moments we had today. Unfortunately we didn’t even get to say all the ones we saw, because it was time for the Thursday Night Variety Show!
During the variety show, Beth read a poem that she wrote; Hannah, Allie, Steven and Beki performed an improvisational skit; and Hannah sang her Wonders of His Love song. It was lots of fun.
We’re all very tired, and we’re looking forward to coming home tomorrow night.
On Sunday we’ll have 8 missionaries sharing about the trip. It should be an amazing celebration of the power of God.
Thanks again for all your support. Have I mentioned that this week was amazing?
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
It was a little cooler today, which made our work a little easier. Many of us were rained on at lunch. It rained several times today - down pours - but they didn’t last long.
Beki demolished more computers and they got rained on during lunch. Beki’s discovered that she really likes the crew she’s working with now that she’s gotten to know them. Steven spent the entire day taking apart computers. While it was interesting on Monday, it’s getting a little mundane. He says it’s not hard, so he really can’t complain. Beth says today was kinda boring. They were at a food pantry sorting and moving boxes of food. There was a bit of excitement though. There were some mice in one of the boxes and they let them go. As they were scurrying to freedom, The supervisor at the food pantry wanted them killed so Dan tried to help out by stomped on one. Dan is looking forward to tomorrow when people come in and get the food from the pantry. He says the Mel Trotter ministry is amazing, you can look forward to hearing him talk more about it on Sunday. Madelyn says sorted more cans put donated Panera breads, bagels and pastries into bags to hand out. She also sorted donated Godiva chocolates to be shipped somewhere. She doesn’t know where. Breana says she painted, yet again. She painted more walls at the thrift store. She thinks they are almost finished but the paint dried funny so they have to go over what they did. Marilyn painted most of the day as well. She worked with some girls from Illinois and painted a long hallway. When they were finished, they were going to wash windows but it started raining so they spent some time with the residents, particularly with a man named Bob who had dementia. Michelle says she sorted books all day. Hannah says she weeded, the same as yesterday. When it rained in the afternoon she was treated to some ice cream! Nancy continued moving things out of and sorting things from the maintenance building at Rest Haven. The maintenance building is being converted into a woodworking shop for the residents to be able to use. Amanda says first off she weeds and the weeds were taller than the tall kind of flowers. After lunch they tore up glued down carpet. The glue was so thick at times they pulled up the tile underneath. Allie says she pulled weeds, removed bushes and trimmed trees – lots of landscaping!
This morning and this evening Hannah and Dan were the song worship leaders for our program times. This evening, their rendition of “Trading My Sorrows” got the kids so joyful they actually started a mosh pit! This evenings program included a reminder of the crucifixion, it was a vivid reminder of how we are connected to him~ we are the vine and we are the branches.
I’ve been really loving our evening church group devotional times. In the evenings the kids are really opening up, not afraid to share their true feelings with each other. We’ve had some eye opening and amazing discussions.
Thanks again for all your support!
Beki demolished more computers and they got rained on during lunch. Beki’s discovered that she really likes the crew she’s working with now that she’s gotten to know them. Steven spent the entire day taking apart computers. While it was interesting on Monday, it’s getting a little mundane. He says it’s not hard, so he really can’t complain. Beth says today was kinda boring. They were at a food pantry sorting and moving boxes of food. There was a bit of excitement though. There were some mice in one of the boxes and they let them go. As they were scurrying to freedom, The supervisor at the food pantry wanted them killed so Dan tried to help out by stomped on one. Dan is looking forward to tomorrow when people come in and get the food from the pantry. He says the Mel Trotter ministry is amazing, you can look forward to hearing him talk more about it on Sunday. Madelyn says sorted more cans put donated Panera breads, bagels and pastries into bags to hand out. She also sorted donated Godiva chocolates to be shipped somewhere. She doesn’t know where. Breana says she painted, yet again. She painted more walls at the thrift store. She thinks they are almost finished but the paint dried funny so they have to go over what they did. Marilyn painted most of the day as well. She worked with some girls from Illinois and painted a long hallway. When they were finished, they were going to wash windows but it started raining so they spent some time with the residents, particularly with a man named Bob who had dementia. Michelle says she sorted books all day. Hannah says she weeded, the same as yesterday. When it rained in the afternoon she was treated to some ice cream! Nancy continued moving things out of and sorting things from the maintenance building at Rest Haven. The maintenance building is being converted into a woodworking shop for the residents to be able to use. Amanda says first off she weeds and the weeds were taller than the tall kind of flowers. After lunch they tore up glued down carpet. The glue was so thick at times they pulled up the tile underneath. Allie says she pulled weeds, removed bushes and trimmed trees – lots of landscaping!
This morning and this evening Hannah and Dan were the song worship leaders for our program times. This evening, their rendition of “Trading My Sorrows” got the kids so joyful they actually started a mosh pit! This evenings program included a reminder of the crucifixion, it was a vivid reminder of how we are connected to him~ we are the vine and we are the branches.
I’ve been really loving our evening church group devotional times. In the evenings the kids are really opening up, not afraid to share their true feelings with each other. We’ve had some eye opening and amazing discussions.
Thanks again for all your support!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Tuesday Night
Hey everybody, we’re still here! No one’s gotten hurt and everyone is having a great time. We are working hard each day at our sites. Today’s work was much the same as yesterday’s work. Today, though was a little warmer and a little sunnier. So those of us working outside were a little bit warmer (OK, a lot!) Nancy and Marilyn’s crew continued to pull weeds, clean out the maintenance barn, and paint hallways at Rest Haven. Beth made a new best friend while she was weeding. She and Dan did landscaping at a new house today. Allie cut down a tree, weeded , moved plants, made a fountain, cut bushes, and ate mulberries off the tree in the backyard of the house she was working at. Allie was happy that they trusted her with clippers again and she’s the ‘clipper queen.” Hannah did more landscaping and pulled weeds at the same house as she was yesterday. Beki and Steven’s crew’s took apart more computers. Amanda pulled up lots of carpet in lots of rooms and she got her shoes stuck in the sticky carpet afterwards. She also got to play uno and have an ice cream social with the residents of the nursing home she was working at. Breana got to paint walls today instead of the floor at the thrift store. Unfortunately, they had also painted them yesterday, but they realized today it was the wrong color so they had to redo them today. Michelle sorted movies and spoke with a woman who said she thought what the youth was doing was good. Madelyn sorted more can, (AGAIN!), but then sorted banana peppers and filled bags with cereal at the food pantry.
I haven’t mentioned this but we’re really grateful for the showers. We shower at the YMCA, which is within walking distance of the church where we are staying. It’s a really nice facility. Some of the kids are especially excited that it’s attached to Mars Hill Church. This is the church where Rob Bell preaches. The kids had been watching his Nooma videos all year on Wednesday evenings. We’re still hoping for a Rob Bell sighting!
The organization that we’re working with does something a little during the week. On Tuesday nights they give you the entire evening off. Once our workday was finished, we showered and headed towards the city of Grand Rapids. After driving around a bit, we stopped for dinner. As we were eating, the weather started looking pretty bad, so we changed our plans to walk around and decided to go to a movie. Just as we had to leave the restaurant, it started POURING rain. We had to run to the car, which wasn’t really that far but we got totally soaked!
We all enjoyed seeing Pirates of the Caribbean before heading back to the church to get ready for bed. We had a great day today!
I haven’t mentioned this but we’re really grateful for the showers. We shower at the YMCA, which is within walking distance of the church where we are staying. It’s a really nice facility. Some of the kids are especially excited that it’s attached to Mars Hill Church. This is the church where Rob Bell preaches. The kids had been watching his Nooma videos all year on Wednesday evenings. We’re still hoping for a Rob Bell sighting!
The organization that we’re working with does something a little during the week. On Tuesday nights they give you the entire evening off. Once our workday was finished, we showered and headed towards the city of Grand Rapids. After driving around a bit, we stopped for dinner. As we were eating, the weather started looking pretty bad, so we changed our plans to walk around and decided to go to a movie. Just as we had to leave the restaurant, it started POURING rain. We had to run to the car, which wasn’t really that far but we got totally soaked!
We all enjoyed seeing Pirates of the Caribbean before heading back to the church to get ready for bed. We had a great day today!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Monday Night
We had our first day of work today! For me, it was a unique experience working with in a team/crew of youth other than youth from Geneva. I think this experience helps the kids become awesome Christian leaders and servants.
Madelyn says she sorted food at a food pantry today. Beki says she demolished computers today. Steven says he broke down computers into their specific parts and it was fun tinkering. He also said the youth had to work together sometimes when a part was particularly difficult to get out. Breana painted walls today and sorted books. Beth weeded and planted in the hot sun and she thinks she got a rash or something from some sort of plant. It’s ok though. Dan was excited to find that his job today consisted of landscaping, something he knew just a little about. Nancy and Marilyn helped clean out a maintenance barn and then Nancy weeded the rest of the day while Marilyn painted a hallway. Amanda says she washed wheelchairs, and you wouldn’t believe how disgusting they are! Michelle (yes she IS here on this trip, I’m sorry I left her out yesterday) sorted clothes all day and met a woman named Eileen who is a Tigers fan. Hannah and Allie worked at the same site as Beth ~ they raked and pulled weeds and gardened and other stuff.
Our devotional this morning was about being judgemental. It made a lot of sense to us and led into an evening program about labels. Labels we give ourselves and well as labels others give us. We had an amazing youth group devotional afterwards where we really opened up to each other. God’s light shined through all of us as we encouraged each other and supported each other.
Thanks for your continued prayers! God is most definitely here with us!
Madelyn says she sorted food at a food pantry today. Beki says she demolished computers today. Steven says he broke down computers into their specific parts and it was fun tinkering. He also said the youth had to work together sometimes when a part was particularly difficult to get out. Breana painted walls today and sorted books. Beth weeded and planted in the hot sun and she thinks she got a rash or something from some sort of plant. It’s ok though. Dan was excited to find that his job today consisted of landscaping, something he knew just a little about. Nancy and Marilyn helped clean out a maintenance barn and then Nancy weeded the rest of the day while Marilyn painted a hallway. Amanda says she washed wheelchairs, and you wouldn’t believe how disgusting they are! Michelle (yes she IS here on this trip, I’m sorry I left her out yesterday) sorted clothes all day and met a woman named Eileen who is a Tigers fan. Hannah and Allie worked at the same site as Beth ~ they raked and pulled weeds and gardened and other stuff.
Our devotional this morning was about being judgemental. It made a lot of sense to us and led into an evening program about labels. Labels we give ourselves and well as labels others give us. We had an amazing youth group devotional afterwards where we really opened up to each other. God’s light shined through all of us as we encouraged each other and supported each other.
Thanks for your continued prayers! God is most definitely here with us!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Grand Rapids Sunday night
We’re here! We’re staying at Zion Reformed Church in Grandville with about 108 other missionaries. It’s a little warm right now, but we’re hoping it will cool down as we try to sleep.
After we arrived and settled in, the adults met to hear about how the week was going to go. We also have a student leader, Allie, who will be helping Dan and Nancy keep everyone together and focused. After dinner and some free time, we met for “program” time. The youth helped to lead us singing some awesome praise songs. Hannah helped lead with her guitar. We met our work crews and found out our work assignments for the week.
We’ve all been placed into work crews. Dan and Beth are together with another adult and 3 other kids doing home repair, cleaning and landscaping this week. Nancy and Marilyn are in a crew with 4 other kids and will be working at a nursing home doing some clean-up, painting, gardening and spending time with the residents. Beki and Steven are in separate crews but will be working at a place dismantling computers and maybe landscaping and gardening. Hannah’s crew will be working at some people’s home painting and doing yard work and then ending her week visiting a nursing home. Breana’s crew will be working at a thrift store and painting the basement. Madelyn’s crew will be working at a food pantry all week. Allie’s crew will be visiting various homes for painting and yardwork. Amanda’s crew will be working in a thrift shop this week.
Within each crew, each person also has a role to play. We picked our roles tonight, more about that later.
So far they have already made new friends with people from other churches. Some girls even ate dinner at another church table. I’m always amazed at how friendly and warm and welcoming our youth are at these mission trips. They are usually the first ones to approach different church groups and include them in their activities. They certainly are showing Christian hospitality with everyone they’ve encountered today.
I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us this week. We’ll have some challenges and be out of our comfort zones in some situations. I’m sure the Holy Spirit will be with us the whole way, helping to guide us and working through us to serve Him. We ask you to pray for us that we may grow together in Christ this week, and also that we are able to sleep…..
Blessings, and thanks again for your support.
Nancy and Dan
PS. Internet connection is very sketchy. Not sure if we'll be able to post pictures. Dan can probably send them to Cindy to put on the Geneva Web Page.
After we arrived and settled in, the adults met to hear about how the week was going to go. We also have a student leader, Allie, who will be helping Dan and Nancy keep everyone together and focused. After dinner and some free time, we met for “program” time. The youth helped to lead us singing some awesome praise songs. Hannah helped lead with her guitar. We met our work crews and found out our work assignments for the week.
We’ve all been placed into work crews. Dan and Beth are together with another adult and 3 other kids doing home repair, cleaning and landscaping this week. Nancy and Marilyn are in a crew with 4 other kids and will be working at a nursing home doing some clean-up, painting, gardening and spending time with the residents. Beki and Steven are in separate crews but will be working at a place dismantling computers and maybe landscaping and gardening. Hannah’s crew will be working at some people’s home painting and doing yard work and then ending her week visiting a nursing home. Breana’s crew will be working at a thrift store and painting the basement. Madelyn’s crew will be working at a food pantry all week. Allie’s crew will be visiting various homes for painting and yardwork. Amanda’s crew will be working in a thrift shop this week.
Within each crew, each person also has a role to play. We picked our roles tonight, more about that later.
So far they have already made new friends with people from other churches. Some girls even ate dinner at another church table. I’m always amazed at how friendly and warm and welcoming our youth are at these mission trips. They are usually the first ones to approach different church groups and include them in their activities. They certainly are showing Christian hospitality with everyone they’ve encountered today.
I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us this week. We’ll have some challenges and be out of our comfort zones in some situations. I’m sure the Holy Spirit will be with us the whole way, helping to guide us and working through us to serve Him. We ask you to pray for us that we may grow together in Christ this week, and also that we are able to sleep…..
Blessings, and thanks again for your support.
Nancy and Dan
PS. Internet connection is very sketchy. Not sure if we'll be able to post pictures. Dan can probably send them to Cindy to put on the Geneva Web Page.
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