Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday Night

We had our first day of work today! For me, it was a unique experience working with in a team/crew of youth other than youth from Geneva. I think this experience helps the kids become awesome Christian leaders and servants.

Madelyn says she sorted food at a food pantry today. Beki says she demolished computers today. Steven says he broke down computers into their specific parts and it was fun tinkering. He also said the youth had to work together sometimes when a part was particularly difficult to get out. Breana painted walls today and sorted books. Beth weeded and planted in the hot sun and she thinks she got a rash or something from some sort of plant. It’s ok though. Dan was excited to find that his job today consisted of landscaping, something he knew just a little about. Nancy and Marilyn helped clean out a maintenance barn and then Nancy weeded the rest of the day while Marilyn painted a hallway. Amanda says she washed wheelchairs, and you wouldn’t believe how disgusting they are! Michelle (yes she IS here on this trip, I’m sorry I left her out yesterday) sorted clothes all day and met a woman named Eileen who is a Tigers fan. Hannah and Allie worked at the same site as Beth ~ they raked and pulled weeds and gardened and other stuff.

Our devotional this morning was about being judgemental. It made a lot of sense to us and led into an evening program about labels. Labels we give ourselves and well as labels others give us. We had an amazing youth group devotional afterwards where we really opened up to each other. God’s light shined through all of us as we encouraged each other and supported each other.

Thanks for your continued prayers! God is most definitely here with us!

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