Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tuesday Night

Hey everybody, we’re still here! No one’s gotten hurt and everyone is having a great time. We are working hard each day at our sites. Today’s work was much the same as yesterday’s work. Today, though was a little warmer and a little sunnier. So those of us working outside were a little bit warmer (OK, a lot!) Nancy and Marilyn’s crew continued to pull weeds, clean out the maintenance barn, and paint hallways at Rest Haven. Beth made a new best friend while she was weeding. She and Dan did landscaping at a new house today. Allie cut down a tree, weeded , moved plants, made a fountain, cut bushes, and ate mulberries off the tree in the backyard of the house she was working at. Allie was happy that they trusted her with clippers again and she’s the ‘clipper queen.” Hannah did more landscaping and pulled weeds at the same house as she was yesterday. Beki and Steven’s crew’s took apart more computers. Amanda pulled up lots of carpet in lots of rooms and she got her shoes stuck in the sticky carpet afterwards. She also got to play uno and have an ice cream social with the residents of the nursing home she was working at. Breana got to paint walls today instead of the floor at the thrift store. Unfortunately, they had also painted them yesterday, but they realized today it was the wrong color so they had to redo them today. Michelle sorted movies and spoke with a woman who said she thought what the youth was doing was good. Madelyn sorted more can, (AGAIN!), but then sorted banana peppers and filled bags with cereal at the food pantry.

I haven’t mentioned this but we’re really grateful for the showers. We shower at the YMCA, which is within walking distance of the church where we are staying. It’s a really nice facility. Some of the kids are especially excited that it’s attached to Mars Hill Church. This is the church where Rob Bell preaches. The kids had been watching his Nooma videos all year on Wednesday evenings. We’re still hoping for a Rob Bell sighting!

The organization that we’re working with does something a little during the week. On Tuesday nights they give you the entire evening off. Once our workday was finished, we showered and headed towards the city of Grand Rapids. After driving around a bit, we stopped for dinner. As we were eating, the weather started looking pretty bad, so we changed our plans to walk around and decided to go to a movie. Just as we had to leave the restaurant, it started POURING rain. We had to run to the car, which wasn’t really that far but we got totally soaked!

We all enjoyed seeing Pirates of the Caribbean before heading back to the church to get ready for bed. We had a great day today!

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